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We love convenience. Oh, and also a raincoat. Adoption - why so many lurchers/greyhounds? What with their long legs, muscular shoulders and the entire (albeit questionable) industry dedicated to racing them. Some need to be muzzled on walks as they're used to chasing & catching 'prey' so could chase smaller dogs, cats etc. So, why is my German Shepherd so lazy? So desirable were Top Honcho’s champion genes that he sired over 10,000 puppies. If that makes sense. If you're not already a Mamamia member, sign up (it's easy, we promise). Greyhounds As Pets. We had her from 12 weeks. Greyhounds are fast. Is my Greyhound nervous? Although a small number of Greyhounds are bred for the show ring, the majority of pets in America are former racing dogs. Sadly greyhounds and lurchers often take longer to rehome because people just don’t see them as family pets. Lots of people now adopt a greyhound because they have met one owned by a neighbour, friend or relative and come to us once they are in a position to adopt. All in the hope they will run faster and thus win more money for their owners. Below, I will mention a number of reasons why it is so lazy and what would make them more likely. I would never want to have to worry about something happening to either the kids or my dog. They are sprinters.. so they enjoy short bursts of play and long naps. Do greyhounds need a lot of exercise? If it has always been lazy then it is likely to be naturally less energetic. If you have asked yourself “why am I so lazy and unmotivated”, it reveals something about you. I have nieces and nephews, so I wanted a dog I could feel comfortable being around them. Another question that many prospective or novice greyhound owners ask is, ‘Why do greyhounds sleep all time?’. The work week is sacred to you, which is why you’re only lazy at night and on weekends. A Greyhound adopted from the abhorrent world of Greyhound racing will probably be an easily scared animal due to the abuse and food shortages it received from its previous commercial life. Reply Prev of 2. Why Today’s Teens Are So “Lazy” New science shows that teens today are no more physically active than adults ages 60 or older. One word of advice, however: don't be alarmed if your greyhound won't sit. My morning routine with my two amazing and very lazy greyhounds, Harley and Lace. Our 6 year old gets a 60 min morning walk and won't move until an afternoon pit stop. OK, that's not strictly... factual. It’s comfortable and familiar. Greyhounds are perfect pets for an apartment, so long as they have comfortable places to relax and sprawl out. Lazy people have a knack for getting done all the things that are not true priorities. They're just naturally lazy. Contrary to popular opinion, they don’t need excessive exercise at all and, in fact, they tend to be a little on the lazy side. Be aware that as your dog ages and loses muscle mass, its' ideal weight is likely to fall below racing weight. 3. Pfft. What began as a basic love for animals led Ian to find a passion for rescuing roos and other beloved Aussie natives. Greyhounds are Extremely Patient Dogs and Usually Great With Kids. 1. It’s for this reason, and their naturally placid and adaptable nature, that these dogs are regularly recommended as ideal for apartment living – in fact, they’re often better suited than many smaller, more active breeds. So lazy! For information about adoption, download the RSPCA handbook here. Be aware that as your dog ages and loses muscle mass, its' ideal weight is likely to fall below racing weight. Most love a short burst around the park before heading home to lie on their owner’s lap or a comfy duvet and have a snooze. Racing greyhounds are very calm, lazy dogs known as '45 mph couch potatoes'. They're just naturally lazy. If you are still unsure about the breed, why not come along to one … (Fact of the day: they can hit top speeds of 72km/h, meanwhile Usain Bolt can only manage 44km/h. Most nap all day, so definitely aren't high strung. They're full of love and just need a good home to show what they're capable of as a family pet. Hint: it’s not coal and it’s not good for humanity! Animals Australia has been awarded this evaluation in recognition of our efforts... Our appetite for beef, dairy and fish is wiping out wild animals, and even threatening our own survival. So not the case! So let’s take a look at why….. Greyhounds Are Goddam Lazy. If it started to be lazy suddenly then it could be due … This post will show you why your German Shepherd might be being lazy and what you can do about it. Thankfully at about six months these 28 extremely sharp weapons fall out and replaced by 42 permanent adult teeth. People often have the misconception that Greyhounds are very active, but they are 45 mile per hour coach potatoes. This sensitive breed prefers peace and quiet and soft-spoken people. People who “set the bar low” often do so as a way to prevent others from having high expectations for them. She slept something like 20 hours a day (usually on my bed). Post pictures, stories, questions and answers. But that's only because grey owners know the utter joy that comes from sharing their lives (and their sofas) with the loveable, loyal, cuddly bag of elbows that is the greyhound. Many Greyhounds groom and clean themselves much like cats do. Some of us more than the others. Only if there is a comfy carpet, she will lay down on all fours and just be able to reach into her bowl with her snoot and use her tongue to grab bits of kibble. And it’s the way greyhounds are bred for racing success that has caused most of today’s greyhounds to be black. 90. Their bodies may be built for speed – but the proportion of their lives that they choose to exercise is small compared to what is arguably their favourite activity: snoozing. No, really. They thrive on love and affection, adapt quickly to the family way life and make very gentle and loyal pets. Discussion. Greyhounds make wonderful pets. The sight leads many people to think greyhounds must be aggressive or dangerous. Greyhounds are lazy. Which brings up an important requirement for owning a Greyhound – you should have a good-sized, fenced area in which he can spring all-out at least once every few days. The sun on their faces. Ask anyone what they think it would be like to adopt a greyhound as a pet, and they’ll probably have visions of long runs, hours of ball-throwing, lots of time outdoors and, well, other super active things. And pyjamas. Many people assume greyhounds need lots of exercise as they are known for racing. I have one grey and haven't fostered, so I'm sure not all greys are like mine. Retired racers are healthy. Several years ago there was a famous Irish racing champion called, rather fittingly, Top Honcho. He is very lethargic even when we take him out for a walk and shows very little interest in other dogs. Many of you work your fingers down to the bone, but it’s the slackers among you that spoil things for the rest. As greyhounds get older and more lazy, they naturally lose even more muscle mass. With their placid, adaptable nature and low energy levels (see above), greyhounds are one of the most suitable breeds for apartment living. (Fact of the day: they can hit top speeds of 72km/h, meanwhile Usain Bolt can only manage 44km/h. Energy level will vary from dog to dog. In fact one of the tragic aspects of greyhound racing is that these docile and sensitive dogs are encouraged to chase small animals and as we recently exposed alongside our friends at Animal Liberation Queensland, in some cases they are even provoked to attack and kill live animals. Here are some reasons why greyhounds love to sleep: 1. Why are they so amazing? And they would be right. 175 months. Yes, they really can run that fast! What contributes more to climate change than all the world’s planes, trains and automobiles combined? "Most people don't think of a greyhound as a pet. Some greyhounds, just like all dogs, can feel nervous and sensitive to events, and shaking can be their way of telling you that they’re not happy in their current situation. Every dog deserves to know life as man’s best friend – and greyhounds are no exception. They are for life, not just for racing. Pfft. For example, let’s say it’s a hot day and you’ve set a goal to run outside for 10 miles. Greyhounds are gentle characters which is why they make such great family pets, but they do need to be well socialised from a young age for them to be confident, outgoing and well-rounded mature dogs. Greyhounds are affectionately considered to be the laziest breed — however just like any dog, they love to play! By Marcia Herman This article is written in three sections. As the greyhound industry continues to decline -- it is our hope that more people will come to know these incredible dogs not as profit-generating ‘athletes’ — but as loving, devoted, and loyal companions for life. They’re renowned for being incredibly lazy dogs, which isn't entirely fair as they’re actually conserving their energy so that they can play later (sometimes in their pyjamas). Learn more about fostering or adopting a greyhound today! The rule is: “If you need a jacket, so does he.” In a cold house, they start to shiver — so they need to wear pyjamas. 8. Greyhounds are renowned for their gentle, trusting, and sensitive natures. Knowing where your Greyhound comes from is essential in understanding the animal's later reactions. Becoming the best we can be — available online & on DVD, The biggest cause of global warming that nobody’s talking about, 16 'meaty' meat-free meals – The flavours you love, no meat, Animals Australia chosen as a ‘standout charity’ on world stage, Beef, dairy and fishing industries are leading causes of extinction, 7 questions answered by a kangaroo rescuer, Restore your faith in humanity in 4 minutes flat, 13 powerful food and nature documentaries you can stream right now. To be more specific, it reveals something about your mind. Greyhounds are not built for endurance, so they don't want or need hours of jogging exercise. We had her from 12 weeks. A spring in their step. I think greyhounds have the same range of emotions as other dogs, but the way they express themselves is a little different. I’ve known people who had greyhounds and they seemed so sweet and intriguing, and, yes, lazy!. Discover the truth, and what you can do to help. Greyhounds love to sleep. Yes, take me to the guide! Racing dogs are kept in kennels, so they grow a thicker layer of fur. But even so their are exceptions to every rule and so some greyhounds may develope a barking problem. It’s why we invented machines in the first place- to get more done spending less effort. Yes, humans are generally lazy. It is so cozy. Some need to be muzzled on walks as they're used to chasing & catching 'prey' so could chase smaller dogs, cats etc. And that is, quite simply, why this site exists. Like most dogs, they make incredibly loyal and devoted companions to anyone willing to share their couch with them. Please sign in to contribute to the Mamamia Community. Greyhounds are lazy. So looking forward to having g another soon. ACN 617 08 0387. You know, because… greyhound. But mention the words ‘canine athlete’ to any greyhound rescuer and you’ll likely be met with a laugh. It’s important for us pet “owners” to know that there are expenses- my vet says she frequently encounters animals with health problems or just health maintenance needs whose guardians claim they can’t afford to pay, but it’s all part of the deal! For some it's a lack of interest in things, while for others it's tiredness, feeling low or a sense of being disconnected. Greyhounds make fantastic pets and the growing number of greyhound owners is testament to the wonderful nature of the breed. Six-year-old Canisha played find the coin, made a friend and showed off her backstroke while Tracy swam thirty laps and I just hung out in the shallow pool, watching Canisha, swimming under water and doing a bit of stretching. A person is being lazy if he is able to carry out some activity that he ought to carry out, but is disinclined to do so because of the effort involved. THEY SLEEP FOR UP TO 18 HOURS A DAY. Like any dog, they need daily exercise. We know this. While many breeds prefer to, shall we say, deconstruct their toys, greyhounds have been known to hoard them. It is not always the case that feeling lazy and unmotivated is the result of some physical force. The others were walks and eating. Greyhounds make great pets, they are quiet, well mannered, and very easy to live with. What with their long legs, muscular shoulders and the entire (albeit questionable) industry dedicated to racing them. ” They have super fine sharp teeth that will cut through skin and bring you to your knees. The rule is: “If you need a jacket, so does he.” In a cold house, they start to shiver — so they need to wear pyjamas. Laziness means different things to different people, so the first step in figuring out why you feel so lazy is identifying what laziness means to you. As you can imagine, your brain (being lazy), is most likely to pause briefly and land on, “fuck you,” before driving to work the same way it did yesterday. There’s no getting around it — yes, greyhounds can run fast. The short answer is - possibly. I so love greys. Why Dogs Sleep So Much . Dogs have four types of teeth: canines, incisors, premolars, and molars. Rather than getting out of the way/up from his comfortable position our greyhound, Butch, would prefer to be vacuumed! It's big, it's passionate and, some would say, borders on obsessive. Greyhounds on the track are often poked if they sit down so they don't appear lazy to people laying bets. He does not do well in an environment with chronic tension or loud voices. But the truth is they’re lazy AF. For centuries, the elegance and beauty of greyhounds has been immortalised in paintings where they stand proudly at the sides of kings and dukes as symbols of nobility and grace. Most importantly, instead of feeling guilty about being so lazy, you’ll learn practical ways to stop being lazy. Greyhounds rarely bark or growl (generally only when they’re telling you they want to play) and just like any dog, some of them are good with other animals, and some of them aren’t. With their thin coats and lean builds, it’s important greyhounds have access to a warm, dry environment. Jog on, mate.) “In spite of centuries of racing, Greyhounds are naturally rather lazy and laid-back,” says Dr. Jim Carlson, DVM at Grove Animal Hospital & Holistic Center in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. It all depends on the rest of the body language, especially if the body is stiff. No one wants to raise a kid who is a slug, a slouch or a burden to society. Greyhounds are not built for endurance, so they don't want or need hours of jogging exercise. One word of advice, however: don't be alarmed if your greyhound won't sit. Greyhounds are perfect pets for an apartment, so long as they have comfortable places to relax and sprawl out. Watch the heartwarming video now. So a short daily walk and some play time is usually enough to keep them happy and healthy. Their coats aren't oily, so they aren't as prone to doggy odor as some breeds are. This is pretty normal for carnivores — lions spend 18 or more hours per day sleeping and resting! 2 Next Reply Author. They shed only lightly. To see greyhounds available for adoption in your area, visit the Every Greyhound website. Investigations have revealed widespread puppy factory cruelty in Australia. These dogs are innately sensitive, affectionate and gentle – making them perfect additions to any family. Why your puppy is so lazy. So naturally, you’ll procrastinate and dread beginning the exercise. Their coats aren't oily, so they aren't as prone to doggy odor as some breeds are. I’ve known people who had greyhounds and they seemed so sweet and intriguing, and, yes, lazy!. This lead them to be quiet with a usualy calm maybe even lazy temperment. My husband doesn't like her taken shoes. People who have Greyhounds are quick to say that Greyhounds are really 40mph couch potatoes and are lazy. r/Greyhounds: Everything grey! The grass under their feet. I wrote about this in my post about Greyhound Myths. In fact, they’ve been known to sleep 12-16 hours a day. I personally recommend getting pet health insurance, as cancer is very prevalent in the breed. In fact, they’ll sleep for up to 20 hours a day! The greyhound is a sprinter so short bursts of exercise is what they like. Really fast. Although mine was afraid of rabbits. Greyhounds are typically very lazy. Each of the different reasons why your puppy is lazy will likely come with a number of clues in the way that it does it. There’s a reason why they’re often described as ‘60km couch potatoes’ ... this picture illustrates it quite well: Greyhounds love to sleep. Source:Supplied Despite their size and former vocation as racers, they are lazy, placid things, happy with two walks a day and inside naps the rest of the time. 2. share. In fact, they’re the fastest dog on the planet, and one of the fastest mammals. (Unless they don't let you near the collection, in which case there may be something deeper going on, and you should probably consult an animal behaviourist.). Is my greyhound lazy? This sensitive breed prefers peace and quiet and soft-spoken people. My old girl was a whippet / greyhound cross. SHARE: Share Pin Tweet Plus Email. Idleness goes against North American family values, so as a society, we loathe the lazy. Because choices. It’s bored. The first deals with vocalization, the second with how Greyhounds express themselves with eyes, lips, mouth and other parts of their lovely anatomies, and the third with overall posture and body language. ... is that they are lazy dogs. Greyhounds CAN Sit One of the common misconceptions about Greyhounds is that they need a lot of exercise. Some people might think that it’s just down to laziness, but, in reality, there is very good reason for their long periods of shut-eye. And yet most of the thousands bred every year in Australia will never know the joys of human companionship. Just go with it. Tammy’s boy, Archie, demonstrating what greyhounds do most of the time – sleep and cuddle. The cons of Italian greyhounds would be that they can be fragile and prone to broken legs, yet they believe they are invincible. The others were walks and eating. Forcing her to do so will only increase her anxiety. You have management skills mainly because you enjoy bossing people around. Greyhounds have no body fat—they will get cold in the fall, so coats are a must for greyhounds once the temperature starts going below 50 degrees. The Irish Greyhound industry is in the news again, after the government voted last week to reject an opposition motion to stop the increase in greyhound funding to €19.2 million for 2021. We don’t like to spend effort. Kermit power. Greyhounds are born companions. Things are a little more subdued, but you learn to read them pretty quickly. This is why you function far better as a boss than as a worker. Many Greyhounds groom and clean themselves much like cats do. Because of this, don't press the issue if your greyt doesn't sit. Why should I adopt a greyhound through Greyhounds as Pets WA? Although a small number of Greyhounds are bred for the show ring, the majority of pets in America are former racing dogs. Original Poster. And if you ask most owners, it’s also essential that their ‘long boi’ has a jumper – or three – for winter, ideally in a variety of colours. Sadly, it’s often the dogs who simply refuse to ‘chase’ who are ‘put down’ – or simply ‘disappear’– because they are too placid to ever be considered ‘good racers’. They will bow and vocalize to let you know they are ready for playtime. If the body and eyes are relaxed, the dog has accepted you as alpha and is loyal and accepts you as leader. Any ideas? These recipes are for you. "They're actually very lazy, low maintenance pets. Why Do Greyhounds Sleep So Much? Animals Australia is Australia's leading animal protection organisation. Greyhounds are generally quiet dogs that usually dont bark a lot. If your older dog loses a significant amount of weight quickly it could be a sign of a health problem and should be checked by your vet. Friday 16th February 2018. We all know that eating vegan is better for your health, animals and the planet. level 1. (Warning: they are 90 per cent legs. The coat of Greyhounds is so light and short that grooming is a breeze. I have fostered some younger hounds, and they seem to have the same amount of energy as other breeds. Greyhounds have so little body fat that they can’t keep warm. Luckily, Graham said, greyhounds do not seem to miss running. It’s why we want to order food and do banking transactions with the tap of a button. Yes, their zoomies nudge the sound barrier, but most of the time you’ll find them napping/resting while thinking about napping. He goes up to people to be stroked but doesn't get excited or wag his tail much. I wrote about this in my post about Greyhound Myths.People who have Greyhounds are quick to say that Greyhounds are really 40mph couch potatoes and are lazy. 1. The reason that your puppy is lazy could be that it is bored. If you are cold then they are cold. Here are my top 5 reasons why Greyhounds are Awesome. Due to the needs of their sighthound evolution the need for barking was never really their. Greyhounds have so little body fat that they can’t keep warm. Lazy is not being productive and then giving your mind some quiet time afterwards. They know that although it’s one of the world’s most recognisable breeds, it’s also one of the most misunderstood. Too sore to run Sunday, so to the local pool for a little hydrotherapy. And while these traits are generally very consistent in these dogs, of course every one of them has their own personality – which flourishes when they’re given the opportunity to be themselves in loving homes. But the community that exists around greyhound ownership has few equals. It's not uncommon for greys to form small collections/piles/nests of anything from stuffed animals to shoes. Retired racers are healthy. Because of this, don't press the issue if your greyt doesn't sit. Sometimes, people are lazy because the goals they’ve set for themselves are too intimidating. We have just adopted a retired racing greyhound (4 days ago)He is very sweet and has been no trouble. Their time at the kennels is spent lazing in their kennel with short trips to the paddock – or sprint schooling – or going to the track for a grading trial or an actual race. Their agility and strength has seen them compared to Roman gods, and their history as trusted companions to humans dates back thousands of years. So… move over. Greyhounds are typically big softies, who love nothing more than to snuggle up to you on the couch. So, while Greyhounds can run at speeds of up to 43 miles per hour, don’t count on them for any sort of long-distance trekking. And maybe a dressing gown. But most are exactly the opposite. All animals deserve freedom. They all deserve a second chance. If you have even been around a greyhound puppy, you know why they are called “land-sharks. Dogs, especially greyhounds, have a way of starting adoringly at you. My old girl was a whippet / greyhound cross. It’s important for us pet “owners” to know that there are expenses- my vet says she frequently encounters animals with health problems or just health maintenance needs whose guardians claim they can’t afford to pay, but it’s all part of the deal! I got my first greyhound 2 months ago and this perfectly describes her. Greyhounds on the track are often poked if they sit down so they don't appear lazy to people laying bets. Hearty, familiar foods you know why they are quiet, well mannered, and sensitive.! Joys of human companionship perfectly describes her is, ‘ why do sleep. Normal for dogs to spend about 50 % of their sighthound evolution the need for barking never... Achieve every goal that you set world ’ s planes, trains and automobiles combined fairly good things for,... Premolars, and, some would say, borders on obsessive a dog i could feel comfortable around. 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