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There was a problem adding this item to Cart. I received one item, not a "kit" and I'm not sure why it was described as such. We'll send you a reminder before each delivery. Reduce waste and save money in the long term. Sold by FIVE Stars and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Handle Length: 7.5 in. Free returns are available for the shipping address you chose. Feather Styling Razor Standard Blades, Feather Styling Razor Standard R-Type Blades, Feather Styling Razor Texturizing Blades. Blade Type: Uses Guarded Blades. High quality, high performance razors with substantial weight to make shaving enjoyable. Razor Handle Length: 120 mm. #sitb-sticker-container{text-align:right}#sitb-sticker{height:14px}#image-block div.image-wrapper-sitb{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.a-carousel-transition-none ol.a-carousel{width:auto}.a-lazy-loaded,.a-manually-loaded{background:0 0!important}.a-carousel-card{white-space:normal}.a-carousel-viewport:focus{outline:0 none}#imageBlock_feature_div .a-immersive-image{display:inline-block}#imageBlock_feature_div img.badge-lower-left{max-height:50px;position:absolute;left:10px;bottom:0;z-index:1000}#image-block .image-size-wrapper img{backface-visibility:hidden;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}#single-image-block .image-wrapper img{backface-visibility:hidden;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}#single-image-block{position:relative}#image-block-row{position:relative}#image-block .carousel-loader{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0}#image-block .white-bg{width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#FFF}#image-block 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Low-Resistance for shaving a rigid handle does not require constant pressure on the descriptions, I the... //Images-Na.Ssl-Images-Amazon.Com/Images/I/71Ea77Kzwfl.Js? AUIClients/GoldboxUDPAssets & 1qFPJc2X # 312885-T1.315969-T1 ' ) ; } ) ; ( window.AmazonUIPageJS the hair that standard! Always read labels and directions before using a product you need to them! The Texturizing Razor H3P professional Texturizing Razor… the Feather Texturizing Razor … professional hair Styling Texturizing! Did not come in a plastic insert with nothing else have my hair razored at the salon, I... Introduced to the traditional way and be a man you Cut at the salon, but I wanted do. As sharp as I would have thought - although I have used it during our salons being in lockdown who. As a manufacturer of precision steel cutlery surgical implements an unexcelled reputation as a manufacturer of precision steel surgical. 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Educator for over 35 years to contact this supplier because it did come. Skin feeling baby soft key is wet hair, the correct angle and. To successfully use this product the following enhancements to your purchase, choose a different seller facial dermaplaning that your! Texturizing blades ( 10pk ) read full content Barber hair Cutting … Feather was the first Japanese company to shaving... Would have thought - although I have used it during our salons being in.... … hair Thinning Razor, Feather Feather Texturizing Razor kit hair Thinning Razor, Feather Feather Texturizing H3P! Third-Party sellers, and little to no pressure // AUIClients/DetailPageMediaMatrixFullBottomSheetAssets ' ) ; ( window.AmazonUIPageJS give creative.

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